Join our Shabbat meals at Chabad or order your Shabbat-to-go
Contribute If you would like to support our work with an extra contribution, it would be very much appreciated.
As every Chabad Centre, we are responsible for all funds of our operating budget and we don’t have major local donors neither receives funds from New York, so please consider helping to continue offering all our services for tourists and locals.
Please visit the donation page for more information on how to contribute

Shabat MENU from Beit Lubavitch Leblon:
2 Chalot - Wine or Grape Juice - Meat or chicken - Rice - 2 starters (olive/eggs) - Savory biscuits - 2 salads - Grilled vegetables -Potato - Dessert - Petit fours.
Cost U$ 50 per person - You must pick up on Friday until 3 pm.
If the person wants to have dinner with a family in the community warn 2 weeks in advance [email protected]. If you will come for Shabbat Night, please we need the passport copies, send by e-mail: – [email protected] ph.: cel/whatsapp: +55 21 97887-6734