Beit Lubavitch Rio
Como posso te ajudar?

Our women's Mikva for women is located in Shul facilities, Beit Lubavitch Rio, located at General Venancio Flores Street, 221- Leblon

The Mikva is a cornerstone of Jewish family life. It is used by brides before their marriage, and for married women for the duration of their child-bearing years. Private classes are available on the laws of Family Purity, of which Mikva is a part, for both brides and those long-married.

Mivkah Beit Lubavitch Rio

Contact below.: 

» From Monday to Thursday

Mrs. Anete: +55 (21) 98114 0210 | (21) 3543 3792

Beit Lubavitch Rio: +5521  3543 3770 

» motzaei shabat and sunday

Sra. Margareth Aizin: (21) 96568 9885

» Friday nights , and Holidays

Rabanit Chani Goldman: (+5521) 2512 5257 - 98934 0626